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Scores and books in the public domain. Many of these are unique to the Sibley Music Library collection.

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skazki : dli︠a︡ fortepiano = Deux contes : pour piano : op. 5 / Markian Frolov = Markian Frolow. Other publisher: Wien : Universal Edition,1927 - (2024-04-12 12:02:44.418)

Fantaisie brillante sur La sonnambula : opéra de Bellini : pour piano : op. 27 / par J. Leÿbach. Based on (work): Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835. Sonnambula.
À Madame Zoe Lachey. - (2024-04-10 16:12:48.19)

Ottetto pour violon, viola, violoncelle, flãute, clarinette, basson et deux cors For violin, viola, violoncello, flute, clarinet, bassoon and 2 horns. --- Only 1st violin has t.p. - (2024-03-26 16:01:29.413)

Six simphonies in eight parts for violins, hoboys, horns, tenor and bass, opera prima - (2024-03-26 15:54:14.094)

Periodical Overtures in 8 parts; composed by Bach, Pasquali Ricci, Stamitz, Filtz, Crispi. Set first. Separate parts for violino primo, violino secondo, viola, [violoncello &] basso, basso [continuo], hautboy primo, hautboy secondo. --- Title within or... - (2024-03-26 15:49:45.66)


Number of Publications in this collection : 23523
Number of Publications in this collection and its sub-collections : 23523
Number of file downloads in this collection : 12037478
Number of file downloads in this collection and its sub-collections : 12037478
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